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I'm sure there are many mama's that agree with me when I say one of my favorite things to shop for is for clothes for my kids. I feel like if they look good..I look good. Trust me I have had many frantic moments rushing out the door that the way my kids look goes unnoticed by me. I admit more than once my kids have sat on the front row of church with no shoes (oops) or mismatched outfits #momfail but I try. My 5 year old Zoe Rae loves to pick out her own outfits and she loves to dress super girlie. She will wear almost anything except jeans (because they are too scratchy.) Her drama was level 9,000 for so long about jeans that I finally decided it's just a battle I would rather avoid. So, I have found the perfect pair of stretchy leggings that look like jeans from Target and now crisis avoided. Ya gotta pick your battles. Since she's such a cute model and I love playing dress-up with her I've decided to start a series I will do here called " Zoe's fashion Diary." Fun right?!

I recently found some of the cutest clothes and accessories on a website called Baby Cubby. The company reached out to me and asked me to take a look around their site and let them know my honest opinion. Majority of the site is geared towards expectant moms and mommy's with smaller children but their clothes are so cute too. I have several friends in that stage of life right now and I enlisted their help (read their reviews below). Seriously it's true that mama's get pregnant in groups. I have 5 different friends close to me all expecting!! One of the things I like about Baby Cubby is it is a great place for moms to register and an easy place to shop for Baby Shower Gifts. Enjoy the spunky and cute pictures of Zoe (all poses were totally her ideas) and read 2 mama reviews on this awesome website. I know you will want to check it out here.

Find Zoe's Clothes: Dress / Necklace

Amanda's Review:

-Beautiful, user friendly lay out. Nicer/easier to use via desktop than mobile.

-I liked the "chat with a cubby mom" option. It feels more personal and mom-to-mom than being offered to speak with "a representative."

-A good mix of brands I had heard of and brands I hadn't

-Many prices were comparable to what I've seen in stores or on other sites, but some prices were much higher

-The online gift guide is BEAUTIFUL!

-I love seeing a mix of big companies and small shop items.

-I own many of these items/brands listed on the site and as a mom I love each one! This shows that the concept of Cubby Baby works - items are tested and mama-approved.

** Check out Amanda's website here for all things Faith, Family and Fashion.

Nikki's Review:

Entering into my third trimester of pregnancy has me so thankful that I heard about The Baby Cubby. I especially love the bundle option that they offer, I've never seen any company offer something like that and it's brilliant. The web site is easy to navigate and I like that they offer a price match option, makes me feel like I'm able to get the best deals for my growing family.

** I did receive free items from Baby Cubby in exchange for this review. However, all opinions are completely mine:)



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